We believe that military veterans can play an out-sized role as leaders and organizers in this movement to enact structural reforms and restore American’s faith in their Democratic Republic.
Coordinate local happy hour events in your area and invite your veteran brothers and sisters, military spouses and other veteran supporters. Share your story and the VAV mission
We are looking for different perspectives but with a common goal and mission
Veterans and their supporters cannot innovate our political system alone. Fortunately, there are other reform organizations working to achieve similar outcomes across the country
Join our monthly All-Hands call with guest speakers and resources as well as updates from around the country. Join our digital community and connect with other veterans across the US
We choose to operate above the partisan fray
We role model intellectual honesty in pursuing structural and incentive-changing solutions, grounded in research and historical context.
Internally, we’re high-speed, low-drag, outcome driven, and keep our relationships healthy and central.
We operate with urgency to enact specific election innovations.
We play the long game and know we will be friends when our work is done.
We're excited to share that our organization has earned a 2024 Gold Seal of Transparency with Candid! Now, you can support our work trust and confidence by viewing our #NonprofitProfile